PureText & Get Plain Text

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If you need to copy and paste text from a web page or document, but you don't want all the formatting (e.g. font face, font style, font colour, paragraph style, margins, character spacing, bullets, etc) PureText and Get Plain Text will do the job instantaneously and easily. You copy in the usual fashion with the right mouse button or by using Ctrl+C, but paste using a hot key of your choice (I use the suggested Windows+V). Neither program gets rid of all formatting (e.g. carriage returns, tabs, etc), but that is a minor inconvenience for software which makes the copy/paste process so much more convenient.

Available from http://www.stevemiller.net/puretext/ and http://www.bestfreewaredownload.com/freeware/t-free-get-plain-text-freeware-wrndhxmx.html