DeskPins & FileBox eXtender

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If you are preparing a paper or chapter and want to have your references visible as you are writing, DeskPins can be used to have several windows topmost on your screen. DeskPins allows more than one application to be topmost on the desktop; this is similar to "Always on top" which is available in some programs but with DeskPins you can use this facility with almost anything.

FileBox eXtender can do the same and more and is a more versatile alternative. Apart from ensuring that any window you "pin" to the desktop cannot be covered by any other windows, it adds a "roll-up" button to top level windows. When you click it, the window is "rolled up" leaving only its title bar visible, and uncovering what was underneath it. Click that button again, and the window rolls back down. Finally, and equally usefully, FileBox eXtender can also be configured to easily access “favourite” folders or files as well as “recently opened” folders via the taskbar, which means that you can access your favourite and recently visited folders and documents with one mouse click.

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